
Let’s start with the strategic drivers or strategic objectives. All Organizations like banks or telecommunication companies usually define strategic objectives either for one year, three years or five.

Due to the world’s rapid change and because of market dynamic nature it became hard to set the objectives for a short to medium term (usually 3-5 years long). In Banking industry for example, the strategy department is the responsible for defining the strategic objectives in coordination with the board.

To differentiate between the Strategic Goals and the Strategic Objectives, we must stress the fact that Strategic Objectives must be measurable whereas the Goals are general and more broad. As a strategic goal could be: “Improved Profit Margins”. A couple of Strategic Objectives we could derive from this goal are: “By end of 2020, reduce operating costs by 10%” and "Within the next 18 months, increase sales volume by 15% in the telecommunication vertical".

In Banks and big companies, the departments are requested to provide ideas to achieve the strategic goals and each idea must be enclosed with an initial business case. Those ideas must be evaluated to choose the top projects that will be initiated towards achieving the goals. The Marketing as an example may suggest developing a mobile application towards increasing the market share. They must submit a business case to prove the idea feasibility.

We must point out that some strategic goals are mandatory regulations and that we have to comply with. An example is a Central Bank new regulation that must be achieved.

CarrotCut® users from customer side, will benefit from the strategic objectives screen, as they usually define strategic objectives and define portfolios to achieve them.

Add/Edit/Delete Strategic Driver – Optional


  1. You will land in the Strategic Drivers screen
  2. Click on (+) button.
  3. Type your strategic driver.
  4. Click add.

  1. If you want to delete any strategic driver, click the delete Icon.

Tip: If the delete icon is disabled that means you have a project in your projects list linked to this specific driver.

  1. If you want to edit any strategic driver, click the Edit Icon.